0592-6054826 13559215122

砺美咨询脱胎于顶尖外企(世界五百强)的管理实践,核心团队来自上海、北京、厦门和香港,合伙人或顾问在跨国外企、知名民企具有15-30年不等的从业经验。在打造“企业人才发展兵工厂”的愿景感召下,专注为企业提供 领导力培训高端人才猎聘服务、管理咨询服务

Leadme Consulting  is originated from  the advanced practice in top-level foreign-owned companies, which listed in Fortune 500 or famous privately-owned enterprise. The core consultant team is from Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Xiamen or HK. It is under the mission of Becoming Arsenal of Talent Development for Emerging Enterprises, we are dedicated for providing professional leadership training service, talent headhunting for senior positions and management consulting service.